Tuesday 26 January 2016

Home Learning: 20.01.2016

I would like you to research and find out about Reggae music and Bob Marley. We will be learning more about this style of music in school next week.

Things you may like to do:

·         Create your own reggae song

·         Make a music video

·         Create a Powerpoint presentation about Bob Marley

·         Create a poster with facts

·         Create a piece of artwork


Your book tasks are as follows:


Y2: Grammar book pgs: 10-11

    Maths book pgs: 17-18

Y3: Grammar book pgs: 18-21

    Maths book pgs: 7, 20 and 21


Homework is due back on: 01-02-2016


  1. Iris and I have made a video about Bob Marley and it is on our Dropbox here https://www.dropbox.com/s/dctdkjx2hoopqg3/Iris_BobMarley.mp4?dl=0 so please let us know if you have any problems downloading it! as Iris was very keen to make sure it was not missed : )


  2. PS as I see the link did not come up automatically as hypertext, just cut and paste all of the link text (including the bit that's gone onto the next line i.e up to the final 0 ) and that should work!

  3. I love doing short method in maths.I also love literacy.Charlotte

  4. Maths is the best!

    by Ashton
