Tuesday 5 January 2016

Reading, reading and more reading leads to Wonderful Writing

Class 3,

I am looking forward to coming into Class 3 on Thursday and Friday.  We will be looking at using exclamation marks, question marks and full stops effectively in descriptive writing.  To help you with ideas please remember great readers make 'wonderful writers'!  I have checked Bug Club and am pleased that many of you have read your books from the holidays; I will be giving out housepoints to those children this week.  I have assigned new books for those who have completed and will be checking maths games, grammar and spelling activities and Bug Club books weekly.   Don't forget to click on the bug for a challenge to do as you read.  Your new home learning books for Maths and English will be given out soon too.
In Maths we will be looking at mental addition and place value in this week's work.  Some of you will be choosing different Thinking Things Through challenges on Friday linked to using your number bonds fluently. 
Well done on your Wonderful Writing with Mrs. Ward and the start to your theme display, I have been very impressed.

Mr. Wainwright

1 comment:

  1. Class 3 when I read about what you've been doing, you all remind me of little professors. Challenge this and challenge that. You meet it head on don't you!

    What a wonderful attitude to life you all must have joyfully accepting these challenges.

    Bravo to you all little professors.
