Wednesday 6 January 2016

What a Week!


Well we have certainly started this term with a bang!! (no onomatopoeia pun intended here!)

Class 3 have made me feel so welcome and I have truly had a lovely week including lots of fun learning!

We started the week with some 'getting to know you' games and activities, where I learnt a lot about you all and then we begun our new English unit based around the film Rio.

I was super impressed with the fantastic descriptive writing that all the children produced.  Most of the class managed to achieve the green challenge which meant they included adjectives, alliteration, similes and onomatopoeia into their writing.  I know that when Mr Wainwright popped into the class, he was very impressed too!

During our theme lessons we have started to learn about Brazil and researched some facts on the iPads- there's already a lovely display up in the classroom- feel free to pop in and see it parents!

Finally, in Science, the Year Three's had great fun introducing the Animals and Humans unit by creating and putting together a human skeleton and labelling the parts!! 

Anyway... I best get going! 

Thank you again Class 3 for a wonderful week... have a lovely weekend!


P.S Homework this week is as follows:

I would like you to show me everything that you know about Brazil. You can do this in any way you like but here are a few ideas to inspire you:
-Create a holiday brochure
-Make a video pretending you are on a TV show promoting Brazil 
- Create a poster with facts
- Create a piece of artwork

Your book tasks are:

Y2: Grammar book pgs: 12-13
       Maths book pgs: 2-3
Y3: Grammar book pgs: 38-41
       Maths book pgs: 6, 18 and 19.

Homework is due in on Mon 18th Jan.


  1. I cant believe it has gone so quickly and that your first week is over already! I kept meaning to pop in and say hello but Jonty has really enjoyed his first week with you so I will look foreard to popping in soon to see all the fabulous work class three are producing.

    Jackie Ray (Jonty's mum)

    1. It has gone quickly hasn't it!

      Look forward to meeting you too :)

  2. Wow! Class 3. You clearly rested over Christmas. Talk about bud the road running.

    Right, let's get down to the bare bones of things (see what I did there).

    Having read this blog Mrs Ward, I can see I'm going to have to pop off and Google a few things! Hahaha

    Welcome Mrs Ward and will most certainly be coming in to see the new wall display, just please don't test my knowledge on onomatopoeia (thank goodness for auto spell)

  3. Haha!!
    Just wait until we're learning about subordinate clauses... Then it really does get tough!!!!

    1. I'll get my mum to write me a note on that day.

  4. Welcome to Class 3 Mrs Ward and Mr Wainwright! Natalie really enjoyed her first week back at school particularly the descriptive writing about Rio. We're looking forward to next week.
    Natalie's Mum.

  5. Glad Natalie had a good week- she lost certainly deserved her certificate for such amazing descriptive writing!
